Codeplex site:
What is BlogML? BlogML is an open format derived from XML to store and restore the contents of a blog from one location to another.
Is BlogML open source? Yes of course…
The Module! -
A month after publishing the BlogML module for 0.5 I have finally got around to writing to tell you the users where and how to use it. I have used the screen shots that have been provided in emails from Bradley Millington, thanks Bradley, I owe you!
A quick tour:
Find the BlogML module in our gallery feed:
Then enable the NGM.BlogML feature on the Features admin page:
This exposes a new “Import” menu under “Blogs”:
To import a blog (and posts, tags, comments), browse for a valid BlogML XML file. You can also specify a pattern to match for identifying post URL slugs:
Upload and import, and you’ll get a success message for each imported blog and post:
Note the new Blog shows up under Manage Blogs (and my previous blog is still retained too): clip_image006
The Import feature handles import of tags and comments too, including the approval state of each comment. clip_image007
The Blog ML module also exposes some settings for customizing directories: clip_image008
After having issues with source control all seems to have corrected itself and thanks to all who have been waiting and logged issues on the Codeplex site. For all those who don’t yet know where the code is, please check and download the latest version.