I started to do some work on profiles for a site we were building at work, and then we decided to jump ship on to Orchard. While Profiles haven't really been asked for as a requirement at work, i noticed the Orchard team have it on there back log, and as i wanted it and I'm a developer, why wait… why not just write one!.
This solution have is very basic Profiling -
To install it
Once you Register a user, you should be able to then go to http://localhost:30320/Profile/
If you have any problems getting it working leave a comment and i would be happy to help. Here is a couple screenshots of it working…
Viewing a Profile.. Note the Url in the address bar.
The Edit button that appears on the right, will only appear if you have permission to edit your profile. This can be set in the Permissions section in Orchard.
If the profile has be set to private, then the page will redirect to a ProfilePrivateResult ONLY if you are attempting to view a profile other than your own.
Editing a Profile is a little different, as i haven't plugged in all the pretty moving things.
Just so you are aware, the Roles section down the bottom is only shown if a user can modify their roles, this is coming from Orchard.Roles.
The Image Name will be the image i.e. AnImage.png, A Url helper will then fully qualify this based on a setting called Image Folder, which can be modified in the Orchard Settings Section.
Note the setting down the bottom.
So if you add an image to Media/Profiles/Images
Then you add that name to the ImageName field on the Profile Edit page then you should see something that looks like this…
Hit Save… And Hey Presto!! You have an image… granted, mine is a bit squashed!
Anyways here is the code for download.
Download Code (C#) -
Orchard.Profiles - 46160.zip
This will be an ongoing piece of work, but i will update this page, and add pages for more advanced features in the future.
Let me know how you get on, and please feed back any Constructive criticism you have, as it will only make my work better for me to upload to you lot.
This code was written in C# against Orchard Change set 46160.